The starting point of this exhibition is moved by the trajectories of human migration, which draw the geography of a diverse, fragmented, and complex territory. On that path, it explores an imaginary map, product of the historical clash between the imposition of new identitites, and the uprooted traditions of the origin.
In a world that is sometimes local, sometimes planetary, interconnection becomes the lyric of dispersion. A diaspora in which the artists insert themselves in distant realities, and bring them closer to us through the language of their work. This group of artists reconstructs formal and sensitive links with the motherland, they raise inquiries about the meaning of home and the past, about tradition and family, about blood lines and landscape.
The established and emerging poetics that are part of this exhibition wander between colonialism, post-colonialism. They manifest the cultural impact of migration, and explore the restitution of African and indigenous roots. This exhibition ultimately attest to the restless paths that juxtapose origins and destinations, searching for a sense of identity which is in permanent construction.